Board member @ TGU Business and Economics Club
06/21 - 04/22
Social Media Manager @ Mekatronik Platform
05/21 - 06/22
2019 - 2022
Workshop Internship
2022 - 2025
Exchange year as a part of the exclusive YÖK-DAAD Double Diploma Program
Now a regular student
Turkish: Native
English: Fluent
German: Fluent
Chinese: Beginner
TÜBİTAK 2209-A | Design of Portable Desktop Traction Device with Graphical Interface Control
Arduino, CAD, LabVIEW, Mechanical Design
Object Gathering Simulation Using Reinforcement Learning
Robotics, Unity, C#, AI, ML-Agents, SQL, Kinematics, Sensors
JavaScript, RESTful APIs, OpenAI API, Firefox extensions
Also tinkered with:
Web scraping(BeautifulSoup4 & Selenium), SDL2, Kotlin, React Native, THREE.js